Angels on the other side

January 12, 2013

As we near the 1st month anniversary of the massacre of the Newtown children, I chose to listen to this beautiful song sung by Three Dog Night.
I loved the words, “Can you feel the prayer of the children…with hope for a better day…a better day…”

The morning of the shooting, I felt a deep tiredness and unsettledness. I went back to bed which is something I never do that early.I had no energy whatsoever. When I intuitively looked back at it later after I heard the sad horrific news I received the message that my spirit was helping the children to pass to the other side. Helping souls pass over the veil to the other side is something I know I do during my nighttime “travels”. I also saw the truth that all these chidren were indeed angels on earth in their unique special ways…you only had to listen to the parent’s accounts of their beautiful little souls. If you had ever walked into their classroom, you would have felt the pureness of spirit there…a place of heaven on earth….

I ask that we continue to hold these families and the first responders and now the counselors who are helping them in our loving prayers. These children’s deaths brought so many people on this earth to their knees and into their hearts. Now we have the opportunity to work toward greater love and greater peace on this earth in our own individual ways. We are one with all others and we must hold even those with different opinions in our loving embrace for someday that action will promote greater peace and love on this earth.

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