Intuitive View Blog
September Angel Message
August 26, 2016
The Authentic Self is the Soul Made Visible. Sarah Ban Breathnach . Angel Message Dear Beautiful Soul, Why is It so important to embrace your soul's uniqueness? True joy can only be felt by following your truth and expressing your unique views and talents so that the ...
June Angel Message
August 26, 2016
June Angel Message: Dear Beautiful Souls, Just as the world has come alive around you, you are also meant to yearn for more "aliveness". It is time to listen more closely to what you truly desire. You can start with ...
May Angel Message
April 29, 2016
May Angel Message Dear Beautiful Souls,We are here to tell you to dream, dream big. Listen to everything that comes into your hearts and minds. Focus on the what and why. The Universe is responsible for the How, When and the ...
April Angel Message
April 6, 2016
April Angel Message Dear Beautiful Souls, You came to this earth with dreams in your heart! We, your angels, know every single one of those dreams... Seeds that will grow delightful little flowers and ones that will grow huge trees. ...the mate that you wish ...
March Angel Message
April 6, 2016
Dear Beautiful Souls, Many of you are finding yourselves delighting at signs of Spring such as little white snowdrops or daffodils pushing through the earth. You also are looking for signs that those dreams you hold in your heart will now ...
February 2016 Angel Message
January 27, 2016
Dear Earth Angels, Below is a message from the Angels who responded to a question about worry. If we were to take the time to list our worries you would see how universal they are. As a young empath, I could pick ...
January 2016 Angel Message:
January 27, 2016
Dear Earth Angels, As you enter this new year of 2016, we remind you of the blessings gained by the practice of intention. Our wish for you is to align with the very qualities of your Soul: Love, peace, creativity and ...
Gratitude Blessing from Your Angels
November 25, 2015
Dear Earth Angels, As you soon gather for the celebration of Thanksgiving we want to thank you for choosing the path of love over fear. On your earth many are in fear and choose divisiveness and blame. Your choice to find ...
You are Meant to Feel Alive!
November 4, 2015
Message from the Angels: November 2015 Every season is alive with change. Truly nature reflects your own life journey. You are meant to feel ALIVE and change is part of that aliveness! There are times when you intuitively feel the rightness of ...
We are One: Judgment vs. Discernment
August 18, 2015
I often feel challenged when I hear certain political candidates speak on issues of race, immigration, gender issues, homosexuals and women's rights. I find it helpful to practice a form of mindfulness observing my own thoughts and feelings: "That is a judging thought." "At ...